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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Power of Green Tea

I’ve never been a big tea drinker, but when I discovered the powerful health benefits green tea had to offer, I knew I had to start drinking up!

Here are some of the few miraculous benefits:

Weight Management:  Green tea boosts your metabolism which helps you burn more calories and fat!

Skin Care:  Polyphenols, an antioxidant found in green tea help protect against free radicals.  This helps protect our skin by fighting against wrinkles, signs of aging, and even skin cancer!

Cancer: Studies have demonstrated that the antioxidant found in green tea helps your body at protecting cells from damage.  It is also thought that green tea can actually kill cancerous cells!

Relaxation:  A type of amino acid found in tea leaves known as theanine has been shown to have relaxing effects.  This can help calm you down with stress, anxiety, and depression.   

Heart Disease:  Green tea can lower cholesterol and blood pressure.  It can fight against the development of blood clots which are a huge risk for heart attacks.  Even after a heart attack, green tea can help speed up the recovery of damaged heart cells.

The list goes on. .
Do I drink green tea because I love the taste? No way!  I drink it because I don’t want to miss out on these wonderful health benefits!
-Casie Brown

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