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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Start Spreading Workplace Wellness

It’s October and that means it is Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month!

"There's no question that workplace wellness is worth it. The only question is whether you're going to do it today or tomorrow. If you keep saying you're going to do it tomorrow, you'll never do it. You have to get on it today." – Warren Buffet

The scoop on corporate well-being 
The majority of Canadians spend about 45 years in the workforce, therefore spreading wellness around your office is a great place to start in creating a healthier world!  Almost 90 per cent of deaths are a result of chronic diseases, which are essentially caused by physical inactivity, poor diet, and smoking (Public Health Agency of Canada). Most chronic diseases can be prevented by embracing a healthy lifestyle, so it is without a doubt that we all need to get on board with health promotion. Workplace Wellness programs usually consist of helping people with mental health issues and motivating healthy lifestyle behaviours such as, quitting smoking, healthy weight management, and healthy eating. 

Supporting healthy living in the workplace is also a real win-win for both employees and employers.  Think about it…Healthy and happy employees are more satisfied at work, more productive, less stressed, and take fewer sick days.  How does it benefit employers? Well, encouraging healthy lifestyle behaviours at work contributes to the overall success of businesses by attracting and retaining employees, saves money by reducing costs such as health benefits costs, absenteeism and disability, and creates a healthy and positive work environment with high morale.  Research has shown a substantial return on investments of workplace wellness programs!

Tips for spreading wellness at work
It is up to both employers and employees in the creation of healthy workplaces. Here are some creative ideas to get you started.
  • Pay your coworkers a compliment- Make someone feel good
  • Get all your coworkers to submit a healthy recipe, and create a healthy office cook book
  • Encourage group activities like an office round of golf or bowling- Social well-being is also important!
  • Take stretch breaks, especially if you are sitting down most of the day
  • Have an office wide step challenge and award prizes to the winner
  • Host a health fair where employees get screened for blood pressure, cholesterol, waste circumference, and weight
  • Organize a healthy potluck lunch
  • Start a walking club and go for lunch time strolls
  • Invite a personal trainer and nutritionist to the office to teach employees about physical fitness and healthy eating
  • Host an after work yoga class or lunchtime meditation session to help employees distress
Just try to have fun with it! For more information about Healthy Workplace Month visit

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