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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart

Gum Disease     

How many times have you heard your hygienist tell you to floss and you just ignore her?  Well more and more research is starting to show that there is a link between oral health and heart disease.  It’s time to stop closing your eyes to the facts and start taking control of your health!

Not flossing regularly can really take a toll on your mouth.  Sticky bacteria (also known as plaque) forms around your teeth and below your gums which sooner or later ruins the enamel of your teeth.  With even more neglect, this plaque hardens like cement on your teeth (called tartar). Your gums may start to bleed easily and your breath may become foul.  This is the beginning stage of gum disease which can eventually become a more serious issue known as periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can lead to bone loss and teeth may fall out!  

Flossing Prevents Heart Disease 

Blood is carried to and from your heart through small blood vessels in your gums.  Your mouth is filled with bacteria! You can only imagine how much bacteria is getting into your blood stream, yuck! Your body develops chemicals that damage your heart when this sort of bacteria gets into your blood. Bacteria can also cause blood clots and stop regular blood flow to your heart.  This can seriously lead to a heart attack. Scary, isn’t it?

Start could save your life!

-Casie Brown

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