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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weight Loss: Don’t Give Up!

“One bad meal won’t make you fat, just like one healthy meal won’t make you skinny.”

Experiencing a setback in your weight loss goals?    We are all human, meaning we are prone to making mistakes, but don’t let slip-ups totally throw you off track! Don’t beat yourself up, stay positive, and remember that weight loss is a process.

Tips for getting back on track with weight loss

Don’t “go on a diet”: Remember this is a lifestyle change and not a temporary plan.  Most diets are dangerous and require you to eliminate certain food groups (so unhealthy).   Diets are unrealistic and don’t work long term…you will probably gain more weight…Beware!
Write it down:  Keeping a food journal helps you to see everything you are putting into your body.  It makes it easier to see where you are going overboard, and helps you plan meals.  
Get moving:  Studies show that exercise actually decreases your appetite!  Finding an activity you enjoy doing is really important, and burning more calories will speed up the weight loss process.
Patience!  Things don’t magically happen overnight.  Commit yourself­­ to the weight loss journey, and don’t be so hard on yourself every time you have a slip-up.
Positive thinking:  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”  We are a product of our thoughts, and staying positive will increase your chances for success.  You aren’t perfect, so don’t try to be.  Just give it your all!
Consistency:   “It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently.” Make healthy active living and good eating a habit.  It’s all about being consistent.
Go!  What are you waiting for? Stop making excuses for yourself. Make a plan, set realistic goals and start!  The only person standing in your way is you. 

Hope this motivates you.  Don’t be afraid of failure, people make mistakes.  It’s all about picking yourself back up that makes you strong and increases your chances for success.  Never give up!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Dose of Nature

Do you ever get the feeling that you are more alive and happy while spending time outdoors? This is how I felt today after taking a scenic hike through the Evergreen Brick Works (a park located right in the heart of Toronto’s Don Valley).  I decided to dig into some environmental psychology to find out why nature makes us feel more happy and energetic.

The link between nature and mental health
  • Green exercise, or “Ecotherapy” is good for both our bodies and mental health. Interestingly, humans have the natural instinct to connect with nature.  For that reason, some would say that bonding with the outdoors allows our mind to relax from the pressures of the modern world.
  • Although you can burn the same amount of calories outdoors as you do inside the gym, studies have shown that people who exercise in nature are reaping more benefits to their mental well-being.  For example, they are less anxious and stressed! 
  • Got a lot on your mind?  When you are outside, you are more likely to focus on the beauty of nature, than what’s internally bothering you.  It makes sense why you feel peaceful when looking at the stars, or feel soothed when listening to the sounds of the ocean. 
  • Being outdoors gives us the chance to disconnect from our cellphones and the stress of our fast paced lives.  Getting outside and away from these distractions allows us to focus and clear our heads.  This is great for connecting with friends, or learning a new activity. 

If you are feeling run down or stressed out, try self-medicating yourself with some nature.  You’ll be happier! 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Satisfy Your Cravings with this Healthy Snack: Popcorn!

It’s crunchy, satisfying and loaded with fiber and antioxidants.  At only 31 calories in a cup, popcorn makes for a healthy and delicious snack!  I’m not talking about the kind drenched in butter and salt, or cooked in oil (nightmare), just plain old air popped popcorn. For someone who has no patience to cook, a bag of microwavable popcorn is quick and easy. Here are some secret health benefits to this simple snack.    

Reasons to Eat Popcorn 

  • It’s fat free, sugar free, gluten free, and low calorie. In other words, guilt free. 
  • Add a dose of fiber to your diet! There is 1.3 grams of fiber in a cup of popcorn. Fiber intake helps you stay regular, and keeps you feeling fuller longer. 
  • Popcorn is a whole grain. Whole grains help keep your weight in check and reduce the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.  It is recommended that we have 3 servings of whole grains in a day, and 3 cups of popcorn equals 1 serving. 
  • Popcorn is loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the signs of aging skin, protect your skin from sun damage, and help prevent age related diseases.

To give my popcorn a little bit of extra flavour, I like to drizzle it with a bit of olive oil (for a little healthy monounsaturated fatty acid) and a pinch of salt.  Put down those chips and reach for that handful of popcorn instead!  Enjoy!